When internal information is not enough to make a sound decision, we are ready to help in the decision-making process by supplying material that helps your company decide. Our market research and market analysis give your company valuable insight that supports customer development, brand building and concept evaluation.
Latest projects:

Customer insight is a necessity to deliver positive customer experiences that result in loyal customers. It is about getting to know the customer and gaining an understanding of what affects the customer relationship. Our customer analyses make it easier to decide which measures have the greatest impact on marketing, customer experience, loyalty and sales.
A strong brand has many benefits, both for the consumer and the manufacturer. We help you measure your brand strength. By measuring brand equity and comparing it with other competitors, you will receive an actionable basis for decisions for your brand strategy, brand development and brand positioning.
Product development is resource-intensive and there is often a great deal of uncertainty surrounding the target group’s acceptance. Therefore, risk elimination is important, regardless of whether it concerns launching new products or developing existing products. We help you with research throughout the product life cycle, from the idea stage until the product is established on the market.