The product life cycle is a series of steps that a product goes through during its lifetime. During the six phases, there are different needs for decision support and marketing efforts. When it comes to concept tests, they are mainly associated with consumer surveys that are initially conducted during the first phase, where the product idea is to be developed into a product or service. But it can also be about testing a fully developed product that is introduced in a new market or changing a product that has reached the “stagnation” or “decline” phase.

Concept and product tests can have different orientations and approaches, but what they have in common is that we always involve and ask potential consumers to get their reactions to a proposed idea, product or service. Based on the research purpose and target group, we choose which interview method is most suitable. Sometimes when the product attributes (features, functions, benefits) are many, we use conjoint analysis to find out the optimal mix of attributes for the product.

Through our concept and product tests, we find out attitudes, wants, needs and preferences. A well-performed test minimises risks and increases the chances of successful market investments, regardless of whether it is a new launch or development of an existing product. With the help of a number of KPIs, we draw conclusions about the result and often we have reference values that we can compare with. We help you throughout the entire process, from concept description to analysis and recommendations. Contact us and we will tell you more.


Testing concept ideas
Testing of logos
Testing names
Testing website design
Price surveys
Testing advertising concepts
User tests/UX tests
Packaging test – Handling
Packaging test – Design